Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Beginnings

I write this in disbelief and with great enthusiasm. We have made another attempt and are in the 2WW once more. I can't believe we are starting from scratch yet again, but I am so very grateful I have another chance of becoming a mother.

Congrats to two of my friends who have their babies home, I can remember back when I volunteered to be an egg donor for them if they should need it, and now their babies are 2 months old.

It is very hard for me to blog right now, I have several people, whom I am very happy for by the way, that are the same progress into their pregnancies as I would have been and it is tough to read about it all right now. I have just not healed enough yet. I need to get back to my crocheting, but it is just so darn hard to look at that stuff right now. Soon, hopefully soon.

For everyone of my friends that are still chugging along with their pregnancies, I am so happy for you guys and I just can't wait to hear about baby pickups and see pictures, sorry I have been distant, I just need time.


Twins4Abed said...

Good Luck Rebecca. I know the 2WW is a killer. Yesterday was the end of my 2WW and hope to have positive results tonight. I am praying for a positive results for you.

jojo said...

Dear Bec - I hope with all my heart you get the news you deserve - A BIG FAT POSITIVE (enough for two babies!)

You've been in my thoughts often. You're so brave.

This WILL happen for you, Bec. It's your time.


Kerrie and Mark said...

I have been thinking about you and am so pleased to see you trying again. I am not sure that you ever get thick emotional callus that help you manage (well I do anyway). I think the pain can be finally put to bed when you hold your baby. Let the TWW be quick and successful!!!

Mary said...

I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you get a positive result.
I understand that it takes time to heal, i have experienced it my self and every time i see my best friend i get reminded of it. It will get better in time. I promise.

Best of luck to you both.

Wannabemom-Wannabedad said...

Ahhh - the dreaded 2WW. I I feel compelled to say that it will fly by even though I know it will drag on endlessly :)*

Best of luck!!!

Rebekah said...

Sending POSITIVE thoughts your way!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you all... Thank you for sharing your news! :)

coco said...

I have just rode the wave of emotions you two have been going through.I am so happy that you are now back o
The path. My prayers are with you keep blogging we wish you so much luck and love

Birdie said...


I can not wait to here BFP news!

Anonymous said...

I hope things go well for you. We just entered the CF club a year ago. I always felt so lucky I could get pregnant the week I wanted, and most of my friends couldn't. We looked into being surogates for friends. Our baby was one yesterday. Double Delta508. And her older brother. Where can we donate? IVF, surogate, it's expensive.

Wannabemom-Wannabedad said...


I Would Die For That